Monday, December 14, 2009

Fighting To Win In Afghanistan!

Are we fighting to win the war in Afghanistan?

I know that our men and women in uniform are fighting to win. They are the best trained military in the world. They are volunteers serving our nation in a time of war.

They are the best of the best. They are our sons, daughters our husbands and wives.
They are our mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters.

These are the men women who make America great. They are the ones who defend our freedoms.

They are serving our nation on the front lines in our war on terror.

This is a war we did not ask for or seek out.

It is a war that was declared on us by radical Islamic terrorist who hate us just because we are Americans.

They have made it clear and have left no doubt that the destruction and death of all Americans is their goal.

They fight this war in the name of “Allah” and they are willing to do anything to achieve this goal including suicide bombings.

What is the ultimate goal in the war the USA is waging in Afghanistan against terrorism?

Is it total and complete victory over terrorism? I fear it is not under the leadership of the current commander in chief.

All one has to do the come to this conclusion is look at the rules of engagement our soldiers are forced to fight under.

The following is taken from World Net Daily.

The actual Rules of Engagement are said to be classified U.S. and NATO secrets, but based on individual soldier accounts, those restrictions include the following:

No night or surprise searches.

Villagers are to be warned prior to searches.

Afghan National Army, or ANA, or Afghan National Police, or ANP, must accompany U.S. units on searches.

U.S. soldiers may not fire at insurgents unless they are preparing to fire first.

U.S. forces cannot engage insurgents if civilians are present.

Only women can search women.

Troops can fire on insurgents if they catch them placing an IED but not if insurgents walk away from where the explosives are.

Are we allowing our military to fight a war they can win, or are the limitations we are imposing on them costing us American lives?

The American military could wipe Afghanistan clean of terrorist if we would treat this like a war and allow our soilders to fight to win .

Ronald Regan said this concerning the Vietnam War.

“It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and still be home by Christmas.”

The time has come for America to wage all out war on terror in Afghanistan and defeat terrorism.

If we will not allow our military to do what we know they are capable of doing it is time to bring our military home.

Waiting For The Shout!
Rev John Spinks

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