I am a proud patriot and “Born Again Child of God”. I love America and I thank God every day for the privilege of being born in America.
America is still despite all the problems she is facing the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
God’s blessings are evident all throughout Americas glorious history.
The writer of Psalm in 33:12 sums it up well.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”
Sadly many in America have taken these blessings for granted. We have turned our back on God.
We have tuned our back on Him in our schools, turning our schools into socialist and humanist indoctrination camps.
We have turned our back on Him in our homes leaving Hollywood to train our children in the ways of the world. They teach our children how to live dysfunctional lives.
We have turned our back on Him in our Churches preaching a watered down Gospel that tickles the ears and has no power.
Many churches of become a social club where we come to hear a feel good social Gospel.
We have turned our back on God in our government. We have laws that allow for the murder of unborn babies. We have laws that allow same sex marriage.
We have a congress president and a supreme court that are out of touch with our Christian heritage. .
It would do us well to remember the words of Ronald Reagan.
“If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under. “
Is there still hope for America? Can she survive the departure from her Godly foundation and heritage?
Will America survive the onslaught of the fiery darts of liberalism, socialism and humanism being hurled at her daily by Satan?
These darts of the enemy are ripping apart the very soul of America?
Yes there is hope for America.
It will not start in the White House or Congress. It will not begin with Republicans, Democrats or a third party.
It will not begin in the Supreme Court.
Americas hope will come only from an old fashion revival of “Born Again Christians”
It must start in the hearts of each person in America who name Christ as Savior and Lord.
It must begin in the homes of the American family. We must teach and train our Children about a loving and Holy God.
We must teach them there are absolute truths. There is a right and wrong.
We must teach our children that God loves all men, but hates their sins.
Preachers must stand in the pulpit and preach with power and authority. They must preach the whole counsel of God’s word.
Yes there is hope America.
It is a four step process.
Hear From God and Listen and Heed His words.
Seek His face daily seek His will for our lives.
Pray daily.
Repent. Turn from our sins!
If we will do these four things daily God will send a revival that will sweep through our great nation like a raging wild fire.
Will thy not revive us again O Lord!
Waiting For The Shout!
Rev John Spinks
Thursday, December 17, 2009
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